Supported by funding from the National Science Foundation.
One Health West Virginia
What is the One Health WV project?
One Health WV is a National Science Foundation funded initiative to recruit recent graduates, connect them with STEM research mentors, and prepare them for One Health careers in WV and Central Appalachia.
Our project mentors carry out research that embraces three core One Health themes: Water Use & Quality; Environmental Contamination; and Biological Correlates of Disease. Mentors are located at Marshall University, West Virginia State University, and West Virginia University.
Every year, 10 graduates will be recruited to work with mentors on year-long projects designed to train them for employment in STEM fields. Formal applications are accepted January through March, but contact us anytime for more information. Specific consideration is given to graduates with little or no previous research experience.
What is One Health?
One Health embodies the philosophy that the health of humans, animals, and the environment are inextricably linked.
In order to improve our own health, and the health of our communities, we must consider factors that affect animals, plants, and our shared environment: climate, land use, water quality, pests & parasites, and more.
You can read much more about One Health here.